
Fill in the gaps

Choose the correct word from the drop-down menu, then press "Check" to check your answers.
   beautiful      beauty      cheap      fat      healthy      huge      large      look      lovely      lucky      old      round      slim      surprised      terrible      well   
1. Mabel is 25 years and comes from Uganda.
2. Traditionally in Africa women are considered .
3. Mabel thinks is what she sees in the magazines.
4. It’s Mabel’s first trip to England and she is scared everyone will look beautiful and she will look and .
5. The reality is not what she was expecting. People are much bigger than she thought. The women have African bottoms and the men have big bellies. She expected to see people glowing with health.
6. She thought British people would be healthy but she sees junk food everywhere. She is not women have so much “junk in the trunk”.
7. In Uganda healthy organic fruits and vegetables are for everyone. For the price of one mango in the UK she could buy 50 at home. Her grandmother’s garden is full of food and it doesn’t cost anything to grow it.
8. She says the pictures in the magazine show what the British want to look like not how they really .
9. She thinks it’s easier for an African to eat and be healthy than it is for the British.
10. For the first time in her life Mabel has learnt how and she is.