The Red Running Shoes

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.

If you are stuck,
you can look for some information in the story again.

   athletics      be      Canada      chores      could      did      doing the washing up      dream      dressed      fairy godfather      foot      kitchen      live      lived      lost      marathon      Olimpics      put      race      runner      shoe      sports      stepsisters      trainers      training      twelve      unhappy      visited      wand      wanted      was      waved      win      winner   
After checking out the story about, the boy, Josh.

Let´s complete the summary of the story.

1. Where Josh ? He in .

2. He had two .

3. The girls Josh did the at home.

4. Josh´s was to marathons.

5. So, he was very .

6. When Josh was , a appeared in the to help him.

7. The fairy godfather his magic .

8. After that, Josh was in clothes.

9. Josh go to run the . But he had to home before o´clck.

10. He was the first to finish the marathon .

11. While Josh was runnig home, he one of his .

12. A week later, an coach Josh´s house.

13. This person the running on Josh´s . And it fitted!

14. So, Josh the of the marathon.

15. At the end, Josh is for the next .